An interview on ‘This will change your life forever’ by Brad Feuerhelm for American Suburb X.

An interview on ‘This will change your life forever’ by Brad Feuerhelm for American Suburb X.
Colin Pantall did a really nice review of ‘This will change your life forever’ on PHmuseum’s website.
The British Journal of Photography selected an image of ‘This will change your life forever’ as cover picture. The magazine also featured an article about the series.
GUP Magazine from the Netherlands published an extended feature on ‘This will change your life forever’ in their summer 2017 edition.
A great article on the post truth era, also featuring some images of ‘this will change your life forever’ in Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
A feature on ‘This will change your life forever’ in Austrian lifestyle magazine Maxima.
The first publishing of images from my new series ‘This will change your life forever’ in German magazine SZ Magazin, the weekend edition of German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung.