Installation shot of ‘The Petunia Carnage’ at FOTO WIEN Festival.

Installation shot of ‘The Petunia Carnage’ at FOTO WIEN Festival.
An interview on ‘This will change your life forever’ by Brad Feuerhelm for American Suburb X.
Colin Pantall did a really nice review of ‘This will change your life forever’ on PHmuseum’s website.
BJP – The British Journal of Photography teamed up with the Austrian Tourist Office to show contemporary Austrian photographers at Photo London 2018. Currently they published an interview on my two series ‘Skeletons in the Closet’ and ‘Middle Class Utopia’.
GUP Magazine from the Netherlands published an extended feature on ‘This will change your life forever’ in their summer 2017 edition.
A great article on the post truth era, also featuring some images of ‘this will change your life forever’ in Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Installation shots of my solo exhibition ‘Middle Class Utopia’ at Galerie Le Carré D’Art in Chartres de Bretagne, France. Photo by Maren Jeleff.
Installation shots of the group exhibition ‘Gut gespielt – der Mensch und sein Avatar’ at Alte Fabrik in Rapperswil, Switzerland, curated by Josiane Imhasly. Photos by Peter Baracchi.
‘Golden days before they end’, the winner of last years Cortona on the move Award, will be on display at the 2017 edition of the festival.