‘Golden days before they end’, the winner of last years Cortona on the move Award, will be on display at the 2017 edition of the festival.

‘Golden days before they end’, the winner of last years Cortona on the move Award, will be on display at the 2017 edition of the festival.
‘Golden Days before they end’ was on display at a public subway station in Singapore, which was part of the exhibition of SIPF – Singapore International Photo Festival.
Feature on ‘Golden days before they end’ in Stillstand Magazine, a new editorial project from Germany.
An extended review, including also interview parts with Clemens Marschall and me, in German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung.
French online magazine Fisheye published an extended article on ‘Golden Days before they end’.
Interview on ‘Golden days’ and ‘This will change your life forever in BJP – British Journal of Photography.
A feature on ‘Golden Days before they end’ on the website of Süddeutsche Zeitung.
The book ‘Dust’ was part of the photo book exhibition at Athens Photo Festival in Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece.
An article about ‘Golden Days before they end’ in Spanish arts and culture magazine Yorokobu.
A great and in-depth article about ‘Golden Days before they end’, written by Brad Feuerhelm, was published on American Suburb X, one of the most interesting online magazines on contemporary photography.