The EIKON Schaufenster, a small exhibition space of Austrian photo magazine EIKON, located at the Museumsquartier Vienna, presented an installation based on ‘One Third’.

The EIKON Schaufenster, a small exhibition space of Austrian photo magazine EIKON, located at the Museumsquartier Vienna, presented an installation based on ‘One Third’.
ART – Das Kunstmagazin presented a spread dedicated to the series ‘Dust’.
An exhibition entitled ‘reFOODlution’, featuring photos and crazy 3D-rebuildings of the images of ‘One Third’, was organized by the Korean health and sustainability platform Go.Asia and taking place in K11 Art Mall in Hong Kong.
Installation shots of ‘Map of daily life’, the main exhibition of Lishui Photo Festival, on display in Lishui, China.
An article by Peter Kümmel in Die Zeit about the group exhibition ‘Tattoo’ at the MKG/ Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg.
Exhibition Flyer for ‘Just the two of us’, my solo exhibition at Anzenberger Gallery.
The NZZ – Neue Zürcher Zeitung did a review on the group show ‘Der helle Wahnsinn’ at Vögele Kultur Zentrum in Pfäffikon, Switzerland, where some prints of ‘Just the two of us’ were on display.
The British Journal of Photography has dedicated an issue to working on commissions. I got interviewed by Colin Pantall about my working process in the cooperations with Schock Germany.
LENS, the photo blog of the New York Times, did a feature on ‘Skeletons in the Closet’.
Flyer and installation shots of Manger un Mur, an exhibition taking place in Belgian town Liège.